Monday, September 30, 2013

Ops Accident

I took an Auto [three wheeler taxi] the other day. Suddenly, a car appeared from nowhere and brushed the side of the Auto and the Auto rickshaw titled on his side like 40 degrees for about 5 seconds before it bounced back on its wheel. I was sitting beside the driver, and there was other passenger sitting at the back. The car driver soon realised and pulled his vehicle away. He didn’t even stop to see if there were any injuries or causality. The funny thing was, his vehicle had more damages than the Auto rickshaw. You can see all the green stretch marks along the side of his car. Perhaps he had insurance or was afraid of the people might beat him up.  That is what happens usually when people are involved in a road accident. The person who speaks loudest appears right to those gathered at an accident, so it becomes a screaming dialogue. Sometimes the public will beat the person who is at fault. I have seen this with my own eyes. Perhaps for this reason, the car driver drove off. What frightened me was the lady behind me, she screamed so loudly. She must be an incarnation of a trumpet! I haven’t heard anything like it. I can still hear her voice ringing in my ears.
Driving is a challenge in India. My Brazilian friend who lives near Delhi took some driving lessons. Her instructor always reminded her to toot her horn always. Whether you are turning, left, right or straight through, tooting horn is compulsory. So basically she had to learn when to toot the horn. Tooting the horn reminds and alerts other pedestrians and drivers of your presence. There are hazards everywhere: vehicles on your left, vehicles of your right, vehicles behind and front, vehicles on wrong lanes, and it is not just the vehicles, but animal, bicycles, rickshaws dogs, trolleys and carts. If I ever buy a car, I will install an automated tooting device that will go off every 10 seconds.
Gym Time
I joined a gym. It is now time to get rid of those accumulated stored fat in my body. To lose one Kg of body fat, I need to burn 8000 calories, which means 1200 calories per day. However, I have just started and doing 400 calories a day. It is very hard to lose those calories, but so easy to take it in. It is so funny at the gym. The guys are always checking themselves out like every 20 seconds - they pose in front of the mirror constantly. After every single rep they will pose in front of the mirror. It is so hilarious! However, the women - they avoid looking at themselves. The guys want to get big while the women want to get thin. I think this is the norm everywhere unless you are born in Samoa, lol to my Samoan Friends. The temperature has fallen by 5 degrees now, but it is still hot but ideal for gym time.


Monsoon is over! This was my first monsoon in India.  Monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation, but is now used to describe seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea. Usually, the term monsoon is used to refer to the rainy phase of a seasonally-changing pattern, although technically there is also a dry phase. Well this is the definition I copied from Wikipedia. However, I thought Monsoon season there will be lots, lots and lots of rain. To my surprise it wasn’t like that. I have experienced more rain in Fiji Islands than in Lucknow. I know in Dehradun the monsoon rain caused a lot of damage and loss of life. However, in Lucknow it wasn’t like that. The good thing about the rain is this, it cleanses the land. Winter will be here soon. I heard that it really gets cold in winter, however, I love cold season.

10. Indian Proverbs

1.     “If you live in the river you should make friends with the crocodile”

2.     “Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but build no house on it”

3.     “No one was ever lost on a straight road”

4.     “A fool who knows he is a fool has a little intelligence, but a fool that thinks he is intelligent is really a fool”

5.     “Even an elephant can slip”

6.     “If you have planted a tree you must water it too”

7.     “Dig your well before you're thirsty”

8.     “Can the monkey know the taste of ginger?”

9.     “Giving advice to a stupid man is like giving salt to a squirrel”

10.  “A house without a child is like a tomb”

Indian Life:

·    You put your clothes in suitcases instead of wardrobes.

·    You have a 'Singer Brother' sewing machine at home.

·    Your mother has a minor disagreement with her (or your dad's) sister and doesn't talk to her for ten years.

·    You call an older person you've never met before "uncle".

·    You hide everything from your parents.

·    Your mother does everything for you if you are male.

·    You do all the housework and cooking if you are female.

·    Everyone is a family friend.

·    You went to a university as far away from home as possible.

·        You still came back home to live with your parents after you had finished.

·        Your best friend got married at the age of 16.

·        You eat onions with everything.

·        You use chilli sauce instead of tomato ketchup.

·        You say you hate Indian films(/songs) but secretly watch(/hear) them with your parents.

·        You teach Westerners swearwords in your language.

·        You always say "open the light" instead of "turn the light on".

·        You secure your baggage with a rope.

·        You're walking out of customs with your trolley at the airport and you see all twenty-five members of your family who have come to pick you up.

·        You get very upset when airlines refuse to accept your luggage which is just 80 lbs. overweight.

·        You go back to your parents' country and people treat you like a member of...the royal family.

·        You ask your dad a simple question and he tells you story of how he had to walk miles barefoot just to get to school.


My language is improving. I can converse with people on daily basis. I have to sit for two exams to test my language level. I like to do these exams this year. It is so much easier to live in India when you know the spoken language. It also makes it easier to understand and learn the culture and connect with the community.


My health is fine. There is a high rise in dengue fever in Lucknow and Delhi. I don’t know about other states, but few people have died. I am doing well … eat healthy and take every precaution about health and safety.

With these words I sign off, saying thank you for reading my blog. Do email me when you are free. I love to hear from you all. God Bless you.